Becoming a successful life insurance agent doesn’t happen overnight, it can take years of hard work to establish yourself within the industry and better understand your clients. Give yourself the time and patience you need to adapt to the many nuances of building lasting relationships and clients for life.
These tips can help you get started. 1. Believe in the product Selling a product that you believe in is much easier than selling a product that you don’t. Owe what you sell! Have a policy for yourself, it lends so much credibility to you an d the company! 2. Be clear and direct When talking to clients, try to avoid using complicated descriptions or insider language. Instead, explain the concepts to your clients as quickly, clearly, and as simply as possible. 3. Get to know your clients You’re not there to sell them a product; you’re there to help them find a solution, which means knowing your client’s goals and needs is key. Use every opportunity you can, from the very first phone call or conversation to develop a friendship and relationship. Ask them questions more then you talk and listen more then you ask. Your clients want to know that you truly care and are not in it just to make a quick buck. 4. Prepare your presentation Practice it, memorize it, and be prepared to shift your presentation based on how the energy changes while you give the presentation. Be willing to go with the flow of the conversation and dig deep to find the real problem we are trying to find the solution for. 5. Don’t guess if you don’t know the answer You might be asked tough questions, and you may not always know the answers. If you fumble, it’s very hard to regain credibility. Don’t guess; do your research and get back to your clients with accurate facts. That's why we have veteran agents standing by to help you get those answers while you are there with the client! Call out form the home! 6. Strive to be better There’s always room for improvement. Becoming a lifelong learner and using the skills and knowledge you gain along the way will help you continually improve. Build your relationship skills as well as your sales skills.
It all comes back to the pain. Find the pain or the problem and help the client clarify it. Then you can help them solve it. Listen in to learn how. We need a vaccine for average! We need to eradicate average thinking! We need help with this war on average! Listen is as Terry Edwards tells you how. Here is a quick tip on why you should call you clients back earlier and not later! After you make the first sale sometimes agents are afraid to call the client back before the first policy issues because they think the client might cancel the policy. No worries! We call them back and make secondary sales! Listen to this Quick TIP from Megan Wood and Mike Lewantowicz. Relax, no worries! It's not to sell to all your friends and family it's to LEARN THE PROCESS BEFORE CALLING REAL CLIENTS. It takes the pressure off and can give you a feeling of confidence. This allows you to have all the materials and applications ready in your toolkit. It's easier to forget something on a practice appointment then running a real appointment off a lead, you will want to make sure you have everything ready before you get there. DOWNLOAD AND PRINT WARM MARKET SCRIPT Watch how to schedule a warm market appointment in the video below. When you schedule some practice appointments let the person coaching you know so they can be ready to assist you! Chris Norris from BAcM training us up on Green Sheets and Annuities. Mike gives us the details on the 4th Quarter Contests... ALL jam packed into this Team Call !! ![]()
On this episode we hear how several agents are makin' it work with ERS Express! Tips on how to improve: Getting them, booking them and helping them!! ![]()
Special guest Chris Norris from BAM gives us the "How to" of converting greensheets to an appointment!! ![]()
Listen in as the Chuck Norris of Annuities karate chops through the greensheet path! ![]()
**Fast Forward to 30 mins in to start Audio** Mike goes over the simple steps to get your new agent rolling! ![]()
Joseph Dukes interviews agents Blake & Crystal Spooner and Barbara Lowery. She what they took away from ALA and why its important for you to go! ![]()
Special guest Lee Reyes gives step by step instructions on how to get yourself some FreeFerrals!! ![]()
Host Noelle Lewantowicz talks to us about the importance of NOT waiting and recruiting early. She talks to New Part time agent Daylene Maxwell and gets to the basics of building your team NOW! ![]()
Special guests Jim Moseley from NLG and agent Alain German talk to us about the different products and success stories pouring out from our team! ![]()
New agents talk about breakthroughs in their sales process. Listen and learn how to be the best at your craft! ![]()
Special guest Clay Mertes from the LPT and host Paul Epstein go over how to build momentum going into National Convention 2019! ![]()
Find out the power of policy reviews and conversions. On today's episode the masters Paul Epstein and Joseph Dukes teach the simplicity or helping current clients. This episode is packed with information for new agents as well as veterans. Learn how to earn over $40,000 in commissions with zero lead costs using this simple system. ![]()
Sometimes the best people on your team are your own clients! They understand what life insurance is about and believe in the cause. Always ask your clients who they know that could help us out and you could end up with winners on your team like the people on the call today! Learn how to hire across the table with Basic #4! ![]()
It's one thing to set an appointment from a lead, it's another thing for that client to give you referrals. It all comes back to trust, likability and relationships. Today we cover part 3 of our 4 part series on the basics of the in home. Listen as James Coleman the referral guru and top producer Junior Corria discuss creating referrals. ![]()
On today's episode we will be talking about Green Sheets and finding the $$$ and uncovering basic # 2 with annuity stud Brant Swindle. He has made massive changes this year and has stepped up on his personal production and annuities. Listen in as he explains what changed for him and how you can too! ![]()
Michelle is on pace to earn over $500k this year..and she will be sharing HOW on today's podcast. Uncovering the 4 basics with Special guest Michelle Alleman ! She is a TOP 10 agent nationally because she executes the 4 basics. We will dive deep into basic #1 - "Pick up the check and pick up the phone!" ![]()
On today's call Juan Bryant shares how in 3 months he has leaned on the team to learn how to build his business and support his teammates. The POWER of the TEAM and why NOW is the TIME to Focus and WIN EARLY! ![]()
AuthorMike and Noelle Lewantowicz love to use their humor and leadership skills to inspire others to achieve their dreams. They love helping others to live in financial and personal freedom. [email protected] CategoriesArchives
April 2021